Horizon Exim is a leading Supplier and Exporter in India assures qualitative and fresh Pomegranates to be exported to the Importers around the world We make available the best Pomegranates from different parts of India as per the requirement of our importers.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is grown in various states of India like Maharashtra which is the leading producer of pomegranate followed by Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. Ganesh, Bhagwa, Ruby, Arakta and Mridula are the different varieties of pomegranates produced in India. We can arrange the required variety of Pomegranate as per Importer’s requirement. Pomegranate, because of adopting a number of Bahar Treatments, in Maharashtra and Gujarat states, is available throughout the year. Therefore we are ever ready to fulfill the Purchase Orders of Importers any time for Pomegranates. Details of sizing in Pomegranate Fruits. A-400 weight in grams / 90 Diameter in mm B-350 weight in grams / 80 Diameter in mm C-300 weight in grams / 70 Diameter in mm D-250 weight in grams / 60 Diameter in mm E-200 weight in grams / 50 Diameter in mm